Kentucky Coal Resources |
Kentucky Coal Field -- 2004 The Western Kentucky coal field covers 6,400 square miles and contains over 35.67 billion tons of remaining resources. (Part of this cannot be mined economically using today’s technology.) The remaining resources and their locations are illustrated below. |
There are 35 named coal beds, of which seven principal coal beds contain about 94% of the resources in Western Kentucky. Over 5.32 billion tons of coal have been mined or lost due to mining, amounting to only about 13% of total Western Kentucky coal resources. |
![]() How To Calculate Tons of Coal Total Tons = ______ Acres x ______ Inches x 145 tons per acre - inch (acres of coal) x (height of coal) x (density of coal) |
Eastern Kentucky Coal
Field -- 2004 The Eastern Kentucky coal field covers 10,500 square miles and contains approximately 51.90 billion tons of remaining resources. (Part of this cannot be mined economically using today’s technology.) The remaining resources and their locations are illustrated below. |
There are more than 80 named coal beds in the Eastern Kentucky coal field which covers parts of 37 counties. Approximately 12.17 billion tons of coal have been mined or lost due to mining, amounting to only about 19% of total Eastern Kentucky coal resources. Source: Updated from Brant and Other, Coal
Resource Series, 1980-1983. |
Original resource estimates for Western and Eastern Kentucky were 41 and 64 billion tons respectively. The resources currently remaining after 200 years of mining are estimated to be 35.7 billion tons in Western Kentucky and 51.9 billion tons in Eastern Kentucky. As shown in the Demonstrated Reserve Base (DRB) tables, assumptions on the percentage available for development reduce those values even further. |
Western Kentucky Coal Resources,
*Note: "Other" includes Breckenridge, Caldwell, Christian, Crittenden, Edmonson, Grayson, Hancock, and Warren Counties. **Note: Kentucky coal resource values are considered by some to be too high of a value, while the Eastern Kentucky “DRB” value is rejected by many others as being too low. Three-fourths of the remaining coal resources in EKY are not considered to be part of the “DRB”. Caution: coal reserve estimates affected by static terms like "today's technology" and "economically recoverable" may not apply tomorrow. |
Eastern Kentucky Coal
Resources, 2004
Source for DRB: U.S. DOE-EIA, U.S. Coal Reserves, 2004. |
** NOTE:
Kentucky coal resource values are considered by some to be too high of a
value while the Eastern Kentucky "DRB" value was increased but is still rejected by some as being too low, (see
U.S. Coal Reserves).
*** NOTE: "Other" includes Clinton, Estill, Pulaski, Rockcastle, and Wayne Counties. Sources: Smith and Brant (1980), Mined and Lost and Remaining Resources updated by the Division of Fossil Fuels from Kentucky Office of Mine Safety and Licensing Annual Reports. |