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Kentucky Coal Scrip

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


(front and back) (Date: 1940)
Five Dollars from Cornett-Lewis Coal Company, Inc., Louellen, Harlan Co., Kentucky.
(front and back)
One Dollar from Willie Lucas, Elkhorn Jr. Coal Company, Thornton, Letcher Co., Kentucky.
(front and back)
This is a one cent scrip from Consolidation Coal Company, Jenkins Store in Letcher Co., Kentucky.
(front and back) (Date: 1948)
These are a 25 & 10 cent scrip from Alma By-Products Coal Company, McCarr, Pike Co., Kentucky.
(front and back)
One Cent from The Consolidation Coal Company, Inc. Burdine, Letcher Co., Kentucky.
(front and back)
25 Cents from Wolverine Coal Company, Inc., Wolverine, Breathitt Co., Kentucky






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