Technical Reclamation Memorandums










A Technical Reclamation Memorandum (TRM) is a guidance document relating to engineering or other specific technical material.  A TRM does not itself impose regulatory requirements.  However, an administrative regulation may incorporate a TRM by reference, in whole or in part, and may establish all or part of the TRM as regulatory requirements.

These links are provided by Division of Mine Permits

These publications are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).  You will need special software to view them, which you may download at no cost by clicking on the Adobe Reader icon below.

Technical Reclamation Memorandums

TRM 21  01/06/1995  Plant Species, Distribution Patterns, Seeding Rates and Planting Arrangements for Revegetation of Mined Lands

TRM 20  Superseded by TRM 21

TRM 19  06/28/1991  Field Sampling Techniques for Determining Ground Cover, Productivity and Stocking Success of Reclaimed Surface Mined Lands

TRM 18  07/10/1990  Certification of Maintenance of Impoundments

TRM 17  09/11/1985  SEDIMOT II Considerations

TRM 16  04/10/1984  Design of Sediment Ponds to Meet the Settleable Solids Effluent Limitation

TRM 15  02/22/1984  Sediment Pond Design Standard for Meeting Settleable Solids

TRM 14  02/22/1984  Compaction and Erodibility Tests for Topsoil Substitution

TRM 13  08/05/1983  Kentucky Graphical Method for Sediment Pond Design

TRM 12  07/27/1983  "Revegetation of Kentucky Surface Mined Lands" Publication

TRM 11  05/27/1983  New Interpretation of the EPA Settleable Solids Effluent Limitation

TRM 10  04/22/1983  Sediment Pond Design Guideline - Procedures for Hand Calculators

TRM 9  02/01/1983  Revegetation Standards for Success

TRM 8  01/31/1983  Existing Structures - Supplement to TRM 1

TRM 7  01/07/1983  Design of Single Spillway Ponds with No Embankment and Open Spillways

TRM 6  12/21/1982  Input Parameters for SEDIMOT II and DEPOSITS

TRM 5  12/06/1982  Alternatives to SEDIMOT II

TRM 4  12/06/1982  Substitution of Total Sulfur for Pyritic Sulfur for Pre-mining Geologic Data Collection

TRM 3  10/28/1982  Protection and Enhancement of Fish and Wildlife Values

TRM 2  10/25/1982  Design of New Sediment Ponds Under Permanent Program Regulations

TRM 1  10/22/1982  Existing Structures






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