Reclamation Advisory Memorandums










A Reclamation Advisory Memorandum (RAM) is an open correspondence from the Commissioner of the Department for Natural Resources (DNR) to operators and other interested persons, that provides information related to DNR's surface mining regulatory program.

Advisory memos issued since February 1978 have been scanned and are made available here for viewing or downloading.  These documents discuss many of the issues that have arisen as Kentucky's regulatory program has evolved in response to the Federal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA).

These links are provided by Division of Mine Permits

These publications are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).  You will need special software to view them, which you may download at no cost by clicking on the Adobe Reader icon below.

Reclamation Advisory Memorandums

RAM 140 07/18/08 Blasting

RAM 139 07/07/08 Elimination of the Submittal of Two Corrected Copies to the Division of Mine Permits

RAM 138 08/15/05 KPDES Permits for Coal Mining Activities: New Antidegradation Requirements

RAM 137 04/14/04 New Regulations for Noncoal Minerals

RAM 136 11/21/03 KPDES Coal General Permit Reissued

RAM 135 09/10/02 Review of Durable Rock Fill Designs

RAM 134 10/25/01 Clarification of Permitting Procedures for Streams Between Fills and Ponds

RAM 133 03/10/00 Section 404 Permits for Fills

RAM 132 09/29/99 New Electronic Application Forms

RAM 131 06/30/99 Latitude and Longitude in Advertisements

RAM 130 03/02/99 Standards for Electronic Filing of Ownership & Control Applications

RAM 129  04/21/98 Remining Issues and Procedures

RAM 128  12/02/97 Relocation of Hazard Satellite Office

RAM 127  09/08/97 Industrial/Commercial Postmining Land Use

RAM 126 04/15/97 Transfer vs. Corporate Change

RAM 125 03/10/97 Largest Newspaper for Each County

RAM 124 03/10/97 Reforestation Initiative

RAM 123 09/20/96 Certification of Design

RAM 122  08/28/96  Ownership and Control Annual Entity Files

RAM 121 07/09/96  Electronic Submittal of Water Data

RAM 120  06/18/96  New Application Form for Permit Renewals

RAM 119 05/08/96  1) Bond release procedures; 2)Invasive, non-native trees and shrubs

RAM 118 12/07/95 STOP --- You no longer need to submit that "no discharge" KPDES surface water monitoring quarterly report (DOW COAL DMR-01ND) to the Division of Water

RAM 117  06/26/95  Reorganization of Regional Offices

RAM 116 05/17/95  Submittal of Proof of Public Notice and Public Comments

RAM 115 07/13/94  Tentative Approval of Operator Changes

RAM 114 05/03/94  Water Blowouts at Underground Mines--Outcrop Barrier Pillars

RAM 113  05/02/94  Contemporaneous Reclamation Time Limits for Area Mining and Mountaintop Removal Mining

RAM 112  02/08/94  Use of Entity Files for Reference in MPA-01

RAM 111 05/04/93 Noncoal Mine Waste and Hazardous Waste

RAM 110  04/30/93 Application and Acreage Fees

RAM 109  12/08/92 Operator Change Revisions for Augering

RAM 108 09/15/92  Surface Blasting - Public Notice, Preblasting Surveys, and Blasting Schedules

RAM 107  08/17/92  Subsidence Control

RAM 106 05/07/92  Newspaper Advertisements

RAM 105  06/06/91  Water Monitoring Wells - Certification of Drillers and Standards for Well Construction

RAM 104  05/31/91  Revised Performance Bond Forms; and Bonding for Transfer Applications

RAM 103 04/18/91  Annual Certification of Maintenance of Impoundments

RAM 102 08/29/90  Operator Other Than Permittee

RAM 101  05/22/90  Implementation of 1990 Legislation

RAM 100 05/04/90  Address Changes for Permittees and Applicants

RAM 99 08/09/89  New Cultural and Historic Resources Regulations

RAM 98  02/03/89  Procedure for Extensions to Abatement Deadlines

RAM 97  12/22/88 Regulation Change -- Hearings

RAM 96 08/10/88  Broad Form Deeds

RAM 95  04/13/88 Bonding Procedures for Amendment Applications

RAM 94  03/25/88 Newspaper Advertisements: Notices of Intention to Mine for Amendments and Major Revisions

RAM 93  01/18/88  Non-disturbed Sites Three (3) Years after Permit Issuance: Termination and Extensions

RAM 92  01/15/88  Corporate Permittees -- Change in Name of Permittee and/or Ownership/Control of Permits

RAM 91 12/21/87  Permit Revisions--New Short Form Application

RAM 90 10/23/87 Submission of Permit Applications, Bonds, Certificates of Liability Insurance and Newspaper Ads directly to Frankfort

RAM 89 10/01/87  Permit Renewals--An Important Reminder

RAM 88 05/29/87 Newspaper Advertisements

RAM 87  05/12/87  Repeal of Two-Acre Exemption

RAM 86  12/01/86  Prime Farmland Soils Mapping

RAM 85  08/86 Surface and Ground Water Monitoring -- Permanent Program

RAM 84 02/18/86  Permitting Seminars and New Comprehensive Application Form

RAM 83  10/31/85  Advertising Requirements for Transfer, Assignment or Sale Applications, Two-Acre or Less and Interim Revisions

RAM 82  05/23/85 Ground Water Monitoring for Interim Permits

RAM 81 05/22/85 Surface Water Monitoring Reductions on Interim Permits

RAM 80  05/21/85  Regulations Update

RAM 79  02/20/85  Advertising

RAM 78 04/23/84 Departmental Policies: Withdrawal and Maintenance of Mining Permit Applications

RAM 77 04/02/84  Reinstatement of Small Operator Assistance

RAM 76  04/02/84  Revision to RAM # 73: Maximum Period of Bond Deferral Reduced from 5 years to 3 years

RAM 75 03/12/84 Permanent Program Performance Standards Take Effect March 16, 1984 on Transitioning Operations

RAM 74  02/28/84  KPDES General Permit for Coal Mining Activities

RAM 73 02/06/84  Delayed Filing of Performance Bonds on Technically Acceptable Applications for Transitioning Permanent Program Permits

RAM 72  11/29/83  Submission of Technically Complete Applications, Priority III and IV

RAM 71 11/28/83  Emergency Regulations

RAM 70 10/07/83  Delegation of the NPDES Permit Program to NREPC

RAM 69  09/22/83  Emergency Regulation on Contour Remining on Steep Slopes

RAM 68  09/23/83 Submission of Priority II Data

RAM 67  08/05/83 Clarification of Company Stockholder Information

RAM 66 08/05/83 Submission of Sediment Pond Compliance Demonstrations for Priority I Transitioning Permits

RAM 65 06/10/83 Submission of Transitioned Application, Priority II, III, and IV Applications

RAM 64  06/10/83  Certificates of Liability Insurance Update

RAM 63 04/22/83  Submission of Sediment Structure Compliance Demonstration Data and Other Technical Data

RAM 62  04/12/83 Extension of Priority II Technical Submission Date

RAM 61  03/21/83 Submission of Computer Printouts

RAM 60 02/16/83  Clarification of Procedures for the Submission of Technical Data Related to Priority 1 "transitioned" Comprehensive Applications

RAM 59  02/15/83  Standard Forms for Certificates of Liability Insurance

RAM 58  02/14/83  Priority 1 Deadline for Sediment Structure Compliance Demonstrations

RAM 57  12/01/82  Applicant Changes to Transition Applications

RAM 56  12/01/82 Overlapping Permits

RAM 55 12/01/82  Initial Completeness Requirements for Transition Comprehensive Applications

RAM 54  11/18/82  Fish and Wildlife Guidelines

RAM 53  11/17/82  Procedures and Priorities for Review of Transition Comprehensive Applications

RAM 52 11/10/82  Operations of Two Acres or Less

RAM 51  10/26/82  Non-Transitioning Interim Permits will Expire January 18, 1983

RAM 50 10/26/82  Newspaper Advertisements

RAM 49 09/21/82  Coal Waste Sites

RAM 48 09/14/82  Lands Unsuitable for Mining Program -- Information Resource Center

RAM 47 08/25/82 Clarification of Responsibility for Liability Insurance and Letters of Credit

RAM 46 08/25/82  Status Report on Transition Application Review

RAM 45  08/25/82 Two-Acre Exemption

RAM 44  08/25/82 Prime Farmland Grandfather Exemption Cutoff Date

RAM 43  08/25/82 Compliance with Approved Designs

RAM 42  06/25/82  Small Operator Assistance Program

RAM 41 06/22/82 Recurring Questions--Transition Application and Permitting Processes

RAM 40  06/25/82 Processing Interim Permits

RAM 39 06/21/82 Answers to Recurring Questions

RAM 38  06/08/82  Coal Exploration Under the Permanent Program

RAM 37  06/08/82 Engineers' Certifications

RAM 36 06/08/82 New Requirements for Two-Acre Operations

RAM 35  05/14/82 Permanent Program Transition Application

RAM 34  05/12/82  BSMRE Plan for Handling Receipt of Interim Permits

RAM 33  04/27/82  Coal Processing Operations and Crushing and Loading Facilities

RAM 32  04/15/82  BSMRE Plan for Receiving Preliminary and Complete Interim Permit Applications Before Primacy

RAM 31  04/15/82  Successor Operator Permit Requirements

RAM 30  12/15/81  Remining--Auger Mining [Amendment to 81-05, RAM #28]

RAM 29  08/11/81  Interim Permit Applications for Existing Coal Preparation Plants[Amendment to 81-03, RAM #25]

RAM 28  07/23/81  Elimination of Pre-existing Highwalls [81-05]

RAM 27  04/29/81  Reclamation Deferments [81-04]

RAM 26  04/10/81 Non-Issuance of New Permits to Operators in Violation of KRS 350.100 [81-02]

RAM 25 03/30/81  Interim Permit Applications for Existing Coal Preparation Plants [81-03]

RAM 24  03/19/81  AOC Variances on Steep Slopes [81-01]

RAM 23  05/23/80 Retention of Roads

RAM 22  05/08/80  Approval of Permanent Water Impoundments

RAM 21  05/08/80  New Regulation on Contemporaneous Reclamation

RAM 20  03/25/80  1980 KY General Assembly Passage of Primacy Legislation Automatic Extension of Valid Interim Permits Cutoff Date for Filing Interim Program Permit Applications

RAM 19  03/06/80 Administrative Review of Permits

RAM 18 03/06/80 Incremental Bonding

RAM 17 12/10/79 Incremental Bonding

RAM 16 11/14/79  Administrative Review of Permit Applications

RAM 15  11/12/79  Surface Disturbances Within 100 Feet of Outside Right-of-Way Line of Public Road Existing Underground Mines; Requirement for Public Notice and Opportunity for Public Hearing

RAM 14 08/03/79  Reporting Results of Water Quality Monitoring

RAM 13  07/23/79  Surface Mining Permit Renewals

RAM 12  07/10/79  Emergency Regulations for the Interim Regulatory Program 405  KAR 1:141E,  Disposal of excess spoil (strip mining) 405  KAR 3:111E,  Disposal of excess rock and earth (underground mining) 405  KAR 1:260E,  Contemporaneous reclamation

RAM 11  06/20/79 Permit Applications--Number of Copies Required

RAM 10 03/01/79  (A) Existing Underground Coal Mines: Time Extension for Application for Permit (B) Supplemental Mine Map Required for Small Operators

RAM 9  02/23/79  Applications for Renewal of Permits

RAM 8  12/27/78  On-Site Construction; Variance from Return to Approximate Original Contour Requirements; and Reference Areas

RAM 7  12/27/88  Extension from February 3,1979 to August 3, 1979 of Deadline for Submission to OSM of Kentucky's application for State Primacy under P.L. 95-87; and Expiration of Small Operators Exemption, December 31, 1978

RAM 6  10/31/78  Existing Underground Coal Mines, Application for Surface Disturbance Mining Permit, Time Extension, Non-Compliances

RAM 5  07/17/78  Application for Temporary Authorization for Surface Disturbances from Existing Underground Coal Mines

RAM 4  05/19/78  Status Report on Federal and State Regulations; Status Report on the Surface Effects of Underground Coal Mining; Advisory Report on Enforcement and Permitting Policies of this Bureau

RAM 3  04/11/78 Implementation of New Kentucky Reclamation Legislation

RAM 2  03/27/78 Mine Maps

RAM 1  02/16/78  Surface Mining Permits






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