RAM 140 07/18/08 Blasting
RAM 139 07/07/08 Elimination of the Submittal of Two Corrected Copies to the Division of Mine Permits
RAM 138 08/15/05 KPDES Permits for Coal Mining Activities: New Antidegradation Requirements
RAM 137 04/14/04 New Regulations for Noncoal Minerals
RAM 136 11/21/03 KPDES Coal General Permit Reissued
RAM 135 09/10/02 Review of Durable Rock Fill Designs
RAM 134 10/25/01 Clarification of Permitting Procedures for Streams Between Fills and Ponds
RAM 133 03/10/00 Section 404 Permits for Fills
RAM 132 09/29/99 New Electronic Application Forms
RAM 131 06/30/99 Latitude and Longitude in Advertisements
RAM 130 03/02/99 Standards for Electronic Filing of Ownership & Control Applications
RAM 129 04/21/98 Remining Issues and Procedures
RAM 128 12/02/97 Relocation of Hazard Satellite Office
RAM 127 09/08/97 Industrial/Commercial Postmining Land Use
RAM 126 04/15/97 Transfer vs. Corporate Change
RAM 125 03/10/97 Largest Newspaper for Each County
RAM 124 03/10/97 Reforestation Initiative
RAM 123 09/20/96 Certification of Design
RAM 122 08/28/96 Ownership and Control Annual Entity Files
RAM 121 07/09/96 Electronic Submittal of Water Data
RAM 120 06/18/96 New Application Form for Permit Renewals
RAM 119 05/08/96 1) Bond release procedures; 2)Invasive, non-native trees and shrubs
RAM 118 12/07/95 STOP --- You no longer need to submit that "no discharge" KPDES surface water monitoring quarterly report (DOW COAL DMR-01ND) to the Division of Water
RAM 117 06/26/95 Reorganization of Regional Offices
RAM 116 05/17/95 Submittal of Proof of Public Notice and Public Comments
RAM 115 07/13/94 Tentative Approval of Operator Changes
RAM 114 05/03/94 Water Blowouts at Underground Mines--Outcrop Barrier Pillars
RAM 113 05/02/94 Contemporaneous Reclamation Time Limits for Area Mining and Mountaintop Removal Mining
RAM 112 02/08/94 Use of Entity Files for Reference in MPA-01
RAM 111 05/04/93 Noncoal Mine Waste and Hazardous Waste
RAM 110 04/30/93 Application and Acreage Fees
RAM 109 12/08/92 Operator Change Revisions for Augering
RAM 108 09/15/92 Surface Blasting - Public Notice, Preblasting Surveys, and Blasting Schedules
RAM 107 08/17/92 Subsidence Control
RAM 106 05/07/92 Newspaper Advertisements
RAM 105 06/06/91 Water Monitoring Wells - Certification of Drillers and Standards for Well Construction
RAM 104 05/31/91 Revised Performance Bond Forms; and Bonding for Transfer Applications
RAM 103 04/18/91 Annual Certification of Maintenance of Impoundments
RAM 102 08/29/90 Operator Other Than Permittee
RAM 101 05/22/90 Implementation of 1990 Legislation
RAM 100 05/04/90 Address Changes for Permittees and Applicants
RAM 99 08/09/89 New Cultural and Historic Resources Regulations
RAM 98 02/03/89 Procedure for Extensions to Abatement Deadlines
RAM 97 12/22/88 Regulation Change -- Hearings
RAM 96 08/10/88 Broad Form Deeds
RAM 95 04/13/88 Bonding Procedures for Amendment Applications
RAM 94 03/25/88 Newspaper Advertisements: Notices of Intention to Mine for Amendments and Major Revisions
RAM 93 01/18/88 Non-disturbed Sites Three (3) Years after Permit Issuance: Termination and Extensions
RAM 92 01/15/88 Corporate Permittees -- Change in Name of Permittee and/or Ownership/Control of Permits
RAM 91 12/21/87 Permit Revisions--New Short Form Application
RAM 90 10/23/87 Submission of Permit Applications, Bonds, Certificates of Liability Insurance and Newspaper Ads directly to Frankfort
RAM 89 10/01/87 Permit Renewals--An Important Reminder
RAM 88 05/29/87 Newspaper Advertisements
RAM 87 05/12/87 Repeal of Two-Acre Exemption
RAM 86 12/01/86 Prime Farmland Soils Mapping
RAM 85 08/86 Surface and Ground Water Monitoring -- Permanent Program
RAM 84 02/18/86 Permitting Seminars and New Comprehensive Application Form
RAM 83 10/31/85 Advertising Requirements for Transfer, Assignment or Sale Applications, Two-Acre or Less and Interim Revisions
RAM 82 05/23/85 Ground Water Monitoring for Interim Permits
RAM 81 05/22/85 Surface Water Monitoring Reductions on Interim Permits
RAM 80 05/21/85 Regulations Update
RAM 79 02/20/85 Advertising
RAM 78 04/23/84 Departmental Policies: Withdrawal and Maintenance of Mining Permit Applications
RAM 77 04/02/84 Reinstatement of Small Operator Assistance
RAM 76 04/02/84 Revision to RAM # 73: Maximum Period of Bond Deferral Reduced from 5 years to 3 years
RAM 75 03/12/84 Permanent Program Performance Standards Take Effect March 16, 1984 on Transitioning Operations
RAM 74 02/28/84 KPDES General Permit for Coal Mining Activities
RAM 73 02/06/84 Delayed Filing of Performance Bonds on Technically Acceptable Applications for Transitioning Permanent Program Permits
RAM 72 11/29/83 Submission of Technically Complete Applications, Priority III and IV
RAM 71 11/28/83 Emergency Regulations
RAM 70 10/07/83 Delegation of the NPDES Permit Program to NREPC
RAM 69 09/22/83 Emergency Regulation on Contour Remining on Steep Slopes
RAM 68 09/23/83 Submission of Priority II Data
RAM 67 08/05/83 Clarification of Company Stockholder Information
RAM 66 08/05/83 Submission of Sediment Pond Compliance Demonstrations for Priority I Transitioning Permits
RAM 65 06/10/83 Submission of Transitioned Application, Priority II, III, and IV Applications
RAM 64 06/10/83 Certificates of Liability Insurance Update
RAM 63 04/22/83 Submission of Sediment Structure Compliance Demonstration Data and Other Technical Data
RAM 62 04/12/83 Extension of Priority II Technical Submission Date
RAM 61 03/21/83 Submission of Computer Printouts
RAM 60 02/16/83 Clarification of Procedures for the Submission of Technical Data Related to Priority 1 "transitioned" Comprehensive Applications
RAM 59 02/15/83 Standard Forms for Certificates of Liability Insurance
RAM 58 02/14/83 Priority 1 Deadline for Sediment Structure Compliance Demonstrations
RAM 57 12/01/82 Applicant Changes to Transition Applications
RAM 56 12/01/82 Overlapping Permits
RAM 55 12/01/82 Initial Completeness Requirements for Transition Comprehensive Applications
RAM 54 11/18/82 Fish and Wildlife Guidelines
RAM 53 11/17/82 Procedures and Priorities for Review of Transition Comprehensive Applications
RAM 52 11/10/82 Operations of Two Acres or Less
RAM 51 10/26/82 Non-Transitioning Interim Permits will Expire January 18, 1983
RAM 50 10/26/82 Newspaper Advertisements
RAM 49 09/21/82 Coal Waste Sites
RAM 48 09/14/82 Lands Unsuitable for Mining Program -- Information Resource Center
RAM 47 08/25/82 Clarification of Responsibility for Liability Insurance and Letters of Credit
RAM 46 08/25/82 Status Report on Transition Application Review
RAM 45 08/25/82 Two-Acre Exemption
RAM 44 08/25/82 Prime Farmland Grandfather Exemption Cutoff Date
RAM 43 08/25/82 Compliance with Approved Designs
RAM 42 06/25/82 Small Operator Assistance Program
RAM 41 06/22/82 Recurring Questions--Transition Application and Permitting Processes
RAM 40 06/25/82 Processing Interim Permits
RAM 39 06/21/82 Answers to Recurring Questions
RAM 38 06/08/82 Coal Exploration Under the Permanent Program
RAM 37 06/08/82 Engineers' Certifications
RAM 36 06/08/82 New Requirements for Two-Acre Operations
RAM 35 05/14/82 Permanent Program Transition Application
RAM 34 05/12/82 BSMRE Plan for Handling Receipt of Interim Permits
RAM 33 04/27/82 Coal Processing Operations and Crushing and Loading Facilities
RAM 32 04/15/82 BSMRE Plan for Receiving Preliminary and Complete Interim Permit Applications Before Primacy
RAM 31 04/15/82 Successor Operator Permit Requirements
RAM 30 12/15/81 Remining--Auger Mining [Amendment to 81-05, RAM #28]
RAM 29 08/11/81 Interim Permit Applications for Existing Coal Preparation Plants[Amendment to 81-03, RAM #25]
RAM 28 07/23/81 Elimination of Pre-existing Highwalls [81-05]
RAM 27 04/29/81 Reclamation Deferments [81-04]
RAM 26 04/10/81 Non-Issuance of New Permits to Operators in Violation of KRS 350.100 [81-02]
RAM 25 03/30/81 Interim Permit Applications for Existing Coal Preparation Plants [81-03]
RAM 24 03/19/81 AOC Variances on Steep Slopes [81-01]
RAM 23 05/23/80 Retention of Roads
RAM 22 05/08/80 Approval of Permanent Water Impoundments
RAM 21 05/08/80 New Regulation on Contemporaneous Reclamation
RAM 20 03/25/80 1980 KY General Assembly Passage of Primacy Legislation Automatic Extension of Valid Interim Permits Cutoff Date for Filing Interim Program Permit Applications
RAM 19 03/06/80 Administrative Review of Permits
RAM 18 03/06/80 Incremental Bonding
RAM 17 12/10/79 Incremental Bonding
RAM 16 11/14/79 Administrative Review of Permit Applications
RAM 15 11/12/79 Surface Disturbances Within 100 Feet of Outside Right-of-Way Line of Public Road Existing Underground Mines; Requirement for Public Notice and Opportunity for Public Hearing
RAM 14 08/03/79 Reporting Results of Water Quality Monitoring
RAM 13 07/23/79 Surface Mining Permit Renewals
RAM 12 07/10/79 Emergency Regulations for the Interim Regulatory Program 405 KAR 1:141E, Disposal of excess spoil (strip mining) 405 KAR 3:111E, Disposal of excess rock and earth (underground mining) 405 KAR 1:260E, Contemporaneous reclamation
RAM 11 06/20/79 Permit Applications--Number of Copies Required
RAM 10 03/01/79 (A) Existing Underground Coal Mines: Time Extension for Application for Permit (B) Supplemental Mine Map Required for Small Operators
RAM 9 02/23/79 Applications for Renewal of Permits
RAM 8 12/27/78 On-Site Construction; Variance from Return to Approximate Original Contour Requirements; and Reference Areas
RAM 7 12/27/88 Extension from February 3,1979 to August 3, 1979 of Deadline for Submission to OSM of Kentucky's application for State Primacy under P.L. 95-87; and Expiration of Small Operators Exemption, December 31, 1978
RAM 6 10/31/78 Existing Underground Coal Mines, Application for Surface Disturbance Mining Permit, Time Extension, Non-Compliances
RAM 5 07/17/78 Application for Temporary Authorization for Surface Disturbances from Existing Underground Coal Mines
RAM 4 05/19/78 Status Report on Federal and State Regulations; Status Report on the Surface Effects of Underground Coal Mining; Advisory Report on Enforcement and Permitting Policies of this Bureau
RAM 3 04/11/78 Implementation of New Kentucky Reclamation Legislation
RAM 2 03/27/78 Mine Maps
RAM 1 02/16/78 Surface Mining Permits