Frequently Asked Questions about coal

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What are the Positive and negative parts of using Coal as a source of energy?

Coals major advantage is that it supplies us with electricity. As you probably know electricity runs just about everything in our homes (T.V., lights, refrigerator, oven, hair dryer etc.), schools, and at work.  AND don't forget the most important thing we need electricity for - COMPUTERS. In Kentucky, coal supplies 96% of our electricity.  In the U.S. about 56% of electricity comes from coal. Coal is not only a vital source of energy for electric power generation, but also as a valuable upgraded product that can be used in high-value, specialized markets such as :carbon filters, and coke for the steel industry.

The disadvantages of coal are the mining process (the way we get it out of the ground) and pollution that occurs when coal is burned.  Great care is taken during mining to protect the environment.  A qualified engineer must develop a mine plan and submit a permit to a state agency that oversees the mining industry.  The permit includes a plan for protecting the environment (ground water, surface water, disposing of mine wastes safely), and reclaiming the land when the mining is done.  In eastern KY where the land is steep and mountainous, surface mining leaves large areas of flat land. This flat land has been used for airports, schools, and shopping malls.

For more info on coal for your research check out the Kentucky Coal Facts Book, it has lots of information about coal from how it was formed to how it's used to make electricity.  Another good sight is the Kentucky Geological Survey at


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