Coal Rank Kit Educational Field Trips Energy Geography: Electricity Map Kit Seminars Speaker's Bureau | The Kentucky Coal Association, on behalf of the Kentucky Coal Council, has promoted awareness of the Coal Education Web Site through demonstrations at key educational conferences. A schedule of conferences follows. Brief conference descriptions with photos can be viewed below. Seminars & Events 1999-2000: PEM Meeting August 18, 2000, Lexington, KY Kentucky Folklife Festival, September 28-30, 2000 - Frankfort, KY Kentucky Library Association Meeting, October 19-21, 2000- Convention Center, Louisville, KY Kentucky Science Teachers Association & Kentucky Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting - November 2-4, 2000 - Lexington, KY Kentucky Mining Institute Annual Meeting - November 16-17, 2000 - Heritage Hall, Lexington, KY Engineers Day @ University of Kentucky - Feb. 2001 Kentucky Education Technology Conference - March 2001 - Convention Center, Louisville, KY ??? Earth Day - April 20, 2001 - KY Fair & Exposition Center, Louisville, KY Coal Prep "2001" - May 1-3, 2001 - Heritage Hall, Lexington, KY
Kentucky Folklife Festival September 28-30, 2000 - Frankfort, KY There were an estimated 10,000 students who visited the festival this year.  | View showing the inside of our booth. |  | Two retired coal miners talking with teachers. |  | View of our booth along with the KY Coal Mining Museum's personnel with a mantrip positioned in front. |